Fundamentals of Programming Language

What are Fundamentals of Programming Language? 

Fundamentals of Programming Language

Fundamentals of programming language are the basic concepts, principles, and rules that define the structure of a programming language. These fundamentals include: Syntax, Data types, Variables, Control structures, Functions, Input/output, Exception handling. 

Learning the fundamentals of a programming language is important for learning any actual programming language. The fundamentals provide a foundation for understanding the syntax, semantics, and basic concepts of any programming language. Once you understand the fundamental concepts and principles in a language, you can apply them to any programming language to write efficient, readable, and maintainable code.

For example, understanding the basic concepts of control structures, data types, and variables in one programming language, say Javascript, can help you learn those concepts in another programming language like Python.

Therefore, for beginners to coding, especially young learners, it is highly recommended to learn the fundamentals of programming before diving into any actual programming language. This will help the students build a solid foundation and make it easier for them to learn new programming languages in the future.

What is Block Based Coding ? 

Kids love puzzles. Especially the kind where they fit pieces of a picture together and finally complete the picture. The idea and concept of Block Based Coding has been inspired by this.  

Block Based Coding is a graphical programming language. In Block Based Coding, the user fits together pieces of code blocks to create programs. It simplifies the process of learning the programming concepts by providing a visual representation of code. There is no need to remember syntax and type in code in the Block Based Coding interface. 

How does Block Based Coding help in learning the Fundamentals of Programming Language?

Teaching programming concepts through Block Based Coding is a great way to start young learners off on their coding journey. Here are some ways in which Block Based Coding helps kids to learn the core programming concepts:

Visual representation: Block Based Coding provides a visual representation of code, making it easier for kids to understand and visualize the logic behind programming concepts. This can help them to develop a better understanding of programming concepts such as loops, conditional statements, and functions.

Immediate feedback: Block Based Coding provides immediate feedback on the program’s output, helping kids to quickly understand the impact of their programming decisions. This can help them to identify and correct errors more efficiently, leading to a better understanding of the cause and effect of programming concepts.

Logical thinking: Block Based Coding helps to develop logical thinking by encouraging kids to break down complex problems into smaller, more manageable parts. This can help them to develop problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and analytical reasoning, which are all important skills for programming.

PurpleTutor offers the perfect Block Based Coding course for young learners. We teach the Fundamentals of Programming Language using a Block Based Coding environment, 

We believe that since children are new to coding, they need to be guided in the right direction and right way to develop a passion for programming and a desire to learn more.

Our Basic Programming Concepts – course allows for experimentation and creativity, letting kids explore different programming concepts and ideas in a fun and engaging way. There are plenty of interesting activities and fun projects along the way which help our students to build a strong foundation in programming. This foundation will be vital for them to progress to more advanced programming languages and concepts, in future.

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What will you learn in the Basic Programming Concepts – code .org course?

PurpleTutor offers courses for learning the Fundamentals of Programming Language through Block Based Coding to the following Age groups.

For children in the Age group: 6 to 8 years and 9 to11 years

  • In this course, the students start by exploring the basic concepts of programming such as commands, sequencing, algorithm, and code. These concepts are unfolded through unplugged activities and puzzles. Once they understand the concept through these activities, they will create projects in the Artist lab, in
  • Students learn about counting loops and how to use them while writing code. 
  • Through puzzles and activities covered, students will be able to identify circumstances when and where to use conditionals in their code to get the desired result.
  • Students are introduced to the programming concept of “events”. They will learn what events are, and how computers use them in programs like video games. Students will work through puzzles making the program react to events (like arrow buttons being pressed.) They will have the opportunity to create customized basketball, Star Wars games and also make an interactive animated clip. 
  • Students will discover the versatility of programming by learning about functions and variables in different coding environments. Students will use existing function blocks and solve puzzles to understand why functions are important in programming. Students will also learn to edit the pre-existing functions as well as create new functions to make complex patterns. 
  • Students will create a variety of patterns and shapes by changing the variable value multiple times within the same program. 
  • Students will use Sprite Lab from They will learn about the two concepts at the heart of Sprite Lab : sprites and behaviors. Sprites are characters or objects on the screen that students can move, change, and play around with. Behaviors are actions that sprites will take continuously until they are stopped.
  • Finally, students will apply all of the programming concepts and write codes to create their very own projects in Sprite Lab.

Benefits of the course

If a student is a beginner to programming, then our Basic Programming Concepts – course is the perfect start to their coding journey. Enrolling in the Basic Programming Concepts course will benefit the student in several ways such as –

  • Visual learning: The visual nature of makes it easy for the student to see the results of their code and understand how it works.
  • Creativity: Using graphics allows the student to create colorful animations and games, thus fostering their creativity and imagination.
  • Problem-solving skills: By creating programs with, a student will  learn to think logically and solve problems, which are valuable skills for their future.
  • Quicker understanding of standard Python coding – Once the student starts coding in module, the transition to text-based coding becomes easier and smoother.

Overall, learning the Basic Programming Concepts through Block Based coding with us is a great way for students to start learning programming and develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills in a fun and engaging way.

Course Content

PurpleTutor offers the following Basic Programming Concepts using Block Based Coding courses for kids according to the age of the child: 

Age Group 6 to 8 Years – Little Champs Course (LC)

Age Group 9 to 11 Years – Young Learners Course (YL)

Here are the details of each course –

Age Group: 6 to 8 Years (Little Champs) Course

Duration -30 hours

You can explore the Basic Programming Concepts content for the YL(Ages 9-11 yrs) course here-

Session Concept
In these classes students learn basic concepts of programming such as commands, sequencing, algorithm, and code. These concepts are unfolded through unplugged activities and puzzles.
1 Algorithms and Code
2 Command, Sequence
3 Sequential Coding
4 Debugging
5 Formative Assessment
6 Pattern Recognition using loops
7 Shapes and Patterns using Repeat Loop
8 & 9 Circle and Patterns
In these sessions, students learn about some advanced concepts of programming like counting loops , nesting loops , conditional statements for decision making and how to use them while writing code. Students are also encouraged to bring in their creativity while building personalized projects for visual storytelling and game building.
10 & 11 Nested loops
12 Formative Assessment
13 Conditional statements
14 Conditional Loops
15 Nested Conditionals
16 Formative Assessment
17 Events Basics
18 Game Building
19 Storyboarding
20 Introduction to Functions
21 Edit and Create New Functions
22 Variables
23 Functions and variables
24 Formative Assessment
25 Coding character movements
26 Characters and Events
27 Events with mouse click
28 Events with keys
29 & 30 Project Work

To download the detailed Programming Concepts content for ages 6-8 years, click here! 

Age Group: 9 to 11 Years (Young Learners) Course 

Duration – 10 hours

You can explore the Basic Programming Concepts content for the YL(Ages 9-11 yrs) course here –

Session Concept
During these classes the students will go through a recap of the basic concepts of programming starting from sequencing and gradually moving to loops, conditionals, functions and variables in a block based environment. They will solve puzzles of varying complexities and create projects in blockly programming language during these classes.
1 Command, Sequence, Algorithm
2 Drawing Shapes
3 Debugging
4 Counting Loops
5 Nested Loops
6 Conditionals
7 Conditional Loops
8 Functions
9 Events
10 Formative Assessment

To download the detailed Programming Concepts content for ages 9-11 years, click here! 

Course Duration & Certificate

Age Group 6 to 8 Years: Programming Concepts 

This course consists of 30 sessions, each session runs for an hour. So, the total duration of the entire course is 30 hours. 

Age Group 9 to 11 Years: Programming Concepts  

This course consists of 10 sessions, each session runs for an hour. So, the total duration of the entire course is 10 hours. 

There will be a certificate awarded to the student on completion of the course.The certificate recognises the skills the student learnt and the level of mastery achieved.

Requirements for the course

To take our Basic Programming Concepts using course, students do not need to have any coding knowledge.

  • There are no coding prerequisites since the course will start with the very basics before moving on to the core concepts. 
  • It is necessary to have a laptop or computer with a webcam and a stable internet connection to take our online course.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Do you offer a free demo class? 

A: Yes, we offer a demo class which is free of charge. You can book the free class from the booking link.

2. Is the online course schedule flexible?

A: The courses for kids are flexible. You can select any time and any day that works around your child’s schedule.

3. What is the course duration?

A: The course for Ages 6-8 years is 30 hours. The course for Ages 9-11 years is 10 hours.

4. Will the student receive a certificate?

A: Students get certificates after completion of each course. The certificate recognises the skills the student learnt and the level of mastery achieved.

5. What do you require to attend this coding course from PurpleTutor?

A: The student does not need to know any coding prior to starting the course. There are no coding prerequisites since the Basic Programming Concepts coding course will start with the very basics before moving on to the core concepts. You need a laptop/computer with a webcam and a stable internet connection.

6. Will my child be able to code independently after completion of this course?

A: Definitely. The entire goal of our course is not only to introduce your child to coding but also to build confidence in coding by encouraging the child to make projects and games on their own. 

7. What are the courses that PurpleTutor offers?

PurpleTutor provides Cutting edge courses to make students future ready. We have courses like –Web Development, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Cyber Security, Space Tech & Roblox Games. We also offer Math courses.


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